今月、4月20日にUC RECORDS協賛”肆貳零●陸-420 6th Anniversary-“ Presented by 無用兄弟會が開催されます。出演者は、当レーベル発コンピ”LIGHTS OF HOPE”にも参加していただいた結成20年のルーツレゲエサウンドDIRECT IMPACT、DRY&HEAVYのヴォーカリストとして世界中で絶大な支持を誇るレゲエシンガーLIKKLE MAIさん、地元宮城は石巻のチャンピオンサウンドR TONEをゲストに迎え、台北ローカルからは台湾のDJ KRUSHと呼ばれる盟友DJ POINTや、バンド盪在空中のメンバーとして最近日本デビューを果たしたDJ @llenblow+dj_SHORTYのサウンドユニットTaimaica Soundsystemなど、個人的にも大好きな音楽を奏でる仲間たちが国を越えて集結し、純粋で情熱的な音を届けます。
Useless Brotherhood Presents “肆貳零●陸”
Likkle Mai (Japan)
Direct Impact (Japan)
R Tone (Japan)
Taimaica Soundsystem
High Tide
Otaku3 三宅一生
DJ Point
VJ: Kurtis Yeh
新しい土地で新しい言葉や習慣を学び生活をする術を身につけながら、新しく出会った仲間たちに 自分が信じる仲間の音楽を伝え続けて1年間、文化や環境などさまざまな違いを越えて ようやく実現した一夜です。A belief that this will fill the void once and for all. This will lift and replace the evils with beauty. Speaking strange but with passion. Alone but in love. No enemies. Just those who once cared. Always looking up, always appreciative. Conscious of the life in all things…We say “NO NUKES” and one love.
Jazzy Ivy from Zulu Nation Corea who is also well known as the shouted artist on our 1st mix “UNDERGROUND CONNECTION” just released an full length album. Here is the impressive introduction by himself, from the email we got in Sep.
Dear mah worldwide family,
Peace and love to mah people,
hope everyone is having a blast with the atumn breeze,
and spending good times with all gifted surroundings.
Kicking off from last Feburary to August,
I was strongly motivated to record an album called ‘ILLVIBRATIVE MOTIF’
solely focusing to capture the live moments of my life in real time.
All tracks recorded with one strike,
that’s how real I got down with myself; Ultimatley, figuring out how real am
I believing in my pursuits, and instant intuitions, which has been trained and practiced for the last decade.
Finally, I feel like I’ve done something real honest,
droppin’ real stories, dealing with life issues in real time.
Endless bless from your seoul brotha ivvvv.
Jaz Geem
Zulu Nation Corea
Jazzvil Records INC.
Jazzy Ivy – Street Science (Inspired by Nancy Tjong, a paint artist/philosopher who dwells in Delft City, Holland, who sincerely cherishes the nature of nature, the nature of human, and most of all, the nature of love. Beautiful colors.)
本日より、UC RECORDS Presents 1st Compilation Album “LIGHTS OF HOPE”がワールドワイドのiTunes Storeにて発売開始。Our 1st compilation album “LIGHTS OF HOPE” is released today on the global iTunes store. (except the particular local market like Taiwan for ex)
artist : Various Artists
label : UC RECORDS
cat# : UC-003
release : Oct, 2010
price : 1,500 JYEN
*CD Jacket and Label are available at HERE
*This is limited time offer for an year from released date
‘UC RECORDS’, an independent label which brings you pure and soulful music on streets all over the world. ‘UC RECORDS’ presents its very 1st compilation album with the aim of supporting the victims cause by recent natural disaster. We all have precious things in our lives, but the crucial reality is that those valuable things can be deprived by the natural disaster. Facing such reality, this compilation album brings you ‘pure and soulful music’ to show the hope in your world. Artists from all over the world gathered together to make this album. (Respecting each artist’s liberal mind of expression, the label did not request any specific details for the musical piece.) Bring together many different tastes of artist, you can find various music styles based on the culture from various countries with its originality. Including tracks by Miles (Project collaborated by Manuvers and Seven Star who is known as the supreme MC in Miami), Supersci (Hip-hop group in Sweden creating the northern melancholic hip-hop), Nolto (Rapper of the super unique style with his singing and flow in Canada), etc… *Part of the profit of this album (25% of the total sales) will be donated to Japan UNISEF as the reconstruction fund for the areas devastated by natural disaster.
Music by…
bija / JAPAN
Direct Impact with ERIKA CRYMSON / JAPAN, UK
Livingdead / JAPAN
Nolto & Dren / CANADA
Panakronic / TAIWAN
Protassov / GERMANY
Seven Star & Manuvers / US
Shao Zuu a.k.a. DJ U-CAN / JAPAN
Sivion / US
Supersci with Remedeeh / SWEDEN
Artwork by BOH
また、UC RECORDS発の過去のリリース作品(UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONシリーズ)が下記のお店でも取り扱いが始まっております。とても素敵なお店ですので、近くまで行く機会がある方は是非立ち寄ってみてください。Also, Our works in the past (UNDERGROUND CONNECTION series) r now available at below shops newly. Plz feel free to visit there, they r all wonderful place to chill for sure.
-Taipei (Taiwan)- the BASE/ +886-2-2331-1228
-Miyagi (Japan)-
KIKORI STUDIO/ 0228-22-6378
artist : Various Artists
label : UC RECORDS
cat# : UC-003
price : 1,500円
release : 2010年10月
format : Digital Download (iTunes Store, Napster, Real Networks, eMusic US, Amazon US, Microsoft, etc…)
*UC RECORDS HPよりジャケット+CDラベルデータをダウンロード印刷、CDメディアへの書き込みをすることで、
bija / JAPAN
Direct Impact with ERIKA CRYMSON / JAPAN, UK
Livingdead / JAPAN
Nolto & Dren / CANADA
Panakronic / TAIWAN
Protassov / GERMANY
Seven Star & Manuvers / US
Shao Zuu a.k.a. DJ U-CAN / JAPAN
Sivion / US
Supersci with Remedeeh / SWEDEN
artist : Various Artists
label : UC RECORDS
cat# : UC-003
release : Oct, 2010
price : 1,500 JYEN
format : Digital Download (iTunes Store, Napster, Real Networks, eMusic US, Amazon US, Microsoft, etc…)
*CD Jacket and Label are available at UC RECORDS Official Website
*This is limited time offer for an year from released date
‘UC RECORDS’, an independent label which brings you pure and soulful music on streets all over the world. ‘UC RECORDS’ presents its very 1st compilation album with the aim of supporting the victims cause by recent natural disaster. We all have precious things in our lives, but the crucial reality is that those valuable things can be deprived by the natural disaster. Facing such reality, this compilation album brings you ‘pure and soulful music’ to show the hope in your world. Artists from all over the world gathered together to make this album. (Respecting each artist’s liberal mind of expression, the label did not request any specific details for the musical piece.) Bring together many different tastes of artist, you can find various music styles based on the culture from various countries with its originality. Including tracks by Miles (Project collaborated by Manuvers and Seven Star who is known as the supreme MC in Miami), Supersci (Hip-hop group in Sweden creating the northern melancholic hip-hop), Nolto (Rapper of the super unique style with his singing and flow in Canada), etc… *Part of the profit of this album (25% of the total sales) will be donated to Japan UNISEF as the reconstruction fund for the areas devastated by natural disaster.
Music by…
bija / JAPAN
Direct Impact with ERIKA CRYMSON / JAPAN, UK
Livingdead / JAPAN
Nolto & Dren / CANADA
Panakronic / TAIWAN
Protassov / GERMANY
Seven Star & Manuvers / US
Shao Zuu a.k.a. DJ U-CAN / JAPAN
Sivion / US
Supersci with Remedeeh / SWEDEN
This album will be on sale by only digital downloading since this project have such a back ground that this is also for charity and that we need more freedom for distributing itself. But our label artist, BOH produced the all pages of jackets, also for the CD label for your self printing. Please try to make one for your collection if you would buy the album. Feel the love for the art. One love!! and we say “no war”!!