UC RECORDS Website Opening
HELLO, こんにちは, そして大家好!
この度、UC RECORDSオフィシャルウェブサイトをオープンすることができました。
また初期からUCをサポートしてくれているUNTOUCHABLE & POOLの下田くん、日下くん、まっつんに感謝です。
Hello everyone!
We are so excited to tell you that ‘UC RECORDS Official Website” is now opened.
I would like to appreciate the all supporters for this activity, especially,for DJ ZOO as a total web producer, BOH and DJ YUKA as the basic art designers, also for UNTOUCHABLE & POOL members about the patient supports since this project was just started.
The situation between independent artists is getting worse every year though, actually I found on my trip about that there are still so many artists who continue their pure and soulful activity with their wisdom and energetic actions but without sucking up to the big power. The mission of this label is to connect and sending such passions forward to the people with respecting each artist’s liberal mind of expression. If you feel any little sympathy for our activity, please introduce this label to your network and continue to support us. Thanks and bless!
2010-08-01 | uc records