“LIGHTS OF HOPE” is out today
本日より、UC RECORDS Presents 1st Compilation Album “LIGHTS OF HOPE”がワールドワイドのiTunes Storeにて発売開始。Our 1st compilation album “LIGHTS OF HOPE” is released today on the global iTunes store. (except the particular local market like Taiwan for ex)
Download on iTunes store
Download on Amazon
artist : Various Artists
label : UC RECORDS
cat# : UC-003
release : Oct, 2010
price : 1,500 JYEN
*CD Jacket and Label are available at HERE
*This is limited time offer for an year from released date
世界中のストリートで生まれている純粋で情熱的な音楽をより自由な形で届けるべく設立されたインディペンデントレーベル『UC RECORDS』。その『UC RECORDS』が世界中で多発している自然災害復興支援を兼ねた、レーベル初のコンピレーションアルバムをリリース。プエルトリコをルーツに持つマイアミが生んだ至高のMC Seven StarとManuversによる共同プロジェクトMiles、北欧産の叙情的なHIPHOPとして唯一無二のスタイルを確立するSupersci、最高に独特なフローを奏でるカナダのライム&シンガーNolto他、さまざまな国々の文化をルーツに持つオリジナリティ溢れるアーティストたちが参加。各アーティストの表現の自由を尊重するためレーベルから楽曲へのリクエストを一切せず、各地のアーティストたちが国境を越えて自由に楽曲を提供することで生まれた、等身大のコンピレーションアルバムです。*このアルバムの収益金の一部(売り上げの25%)は、自然災害復興支援金として日本ユニセフに寄付されます。
‘UC RECORDS’, an independent label which brings you pure and soulful music on streets all over the world. ‘UC RECORDS’ presents its very 1st compilation album with the aim of supporting the victims cause by recent natural disaster. We all have precious things in our lives, but the crucial reality is that those valuable things can be deprived by the natural disaster. Facing such reality, this compilation album brings you ‘pure and soulful music’ to show the hope in your world. Artists from all over the world gathered together to make this album. (Respecting each artist’s liberal mind of expression, the label did not request any specific details for the musical piece.) Bring together many different tastes of artist, you can find various music styles based on the culture from various countries with its originality. Including tracks by Miles (Project collaborated by Manuvers and Seven Star who is known as the supreme MC in Miami), Supersci (Hip-hop group in Sweden creating the northern melancholic hip-hop), Nolto (Rapper of the super unique style with his singing and flow in Canada), etc… *Part of the profit of this album (25% of the total sales) will be donated to Japan UNISEF as the reconstruction fund for the areas devastated by natural disaster.
Music by…
bija / JAPAN
Direct Impact with ERIKA CRYMSON / JAPAN, UK
Livingdead / JAPAN
Nolto & Dren / CANADA
Panakronic / TAIWAN
Protassov / GERMANY
Seven Star & Manuvers / US
Shao Zuu a.k.a. DJ U-CAN / JAPAN
Sivion / US
Supersci with Remedeeh / SWEDEN
Artwork by BOH
また、UC RECORDS発の過去のリリース作品(UNDERGROUND CONNECTIONシリーズ)が下記のお店でも取り扱いが始まっております。とても素敵なお店ですので、近くまで行く機会がある方は是非立ち寄ってみてください。Also, Our works in the past (UNDERGROUND CONNECTION series) r now available at below shops newly. Plz feel free to visit there, they r all wonderful place to chill for sure.
-Taipei (Taiwan)-
the BASE/ +886-2-2331-1228
-Miyagi (Japan)-
KIKORI STUDIO/ 0228-22-6378
2010-10-25 | uc records